Annual Giving Tree a huge success!

To the Family and Friends of our St. John the Baptist Church of Boston's South End
On Sunday December 20th, 2020 the St. John the Baptist community in Boston received well over 100 unique gifts for the Home for Little Wanderers from our generous parishioners. In addition to this donation, we received home-made pillow-cases and blankets from members of the St. Andrew's Philoptochos in Randolph, New Jersey. Donations from all over New England, New Jersey, and Greece came in to help make this year's Giving Tree a huge success and bring Christmas Joy to many youth at the Home for Little Wanderers.
We are blessed to be able to give back to our local community. We welcomed Rick Houpt, the Director of Relations for the Home for Little Wanderers at Divine Liturgy and listened to his joy as he received our love and shared how impactful these gifts will be this Christmas.
We would like to THANK all our youth and young adults for organizing and executing this wonderful ministry of St. John's.
We THANK our entire St. John Parish Family for the overwhelming positive response to this OUTREACH of LOVE!


Click HERE or the image below to view our photo album for our Annual Giving Tree: